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Choosing the Best Memorial Day Flowers

Posted on 19/09/2022

Choosing the Best Memorial Day Flowers

Memorials and personalised tributes are a lovely way to honour someone who has passed away. Depending on the situation, these events may be part of a funeral or a separate gathering. For example, a workplace may hold a memorial for an employee who has passed away out of respect, or a family may choose to hold a memorial day before or after a funeral if people couldn’t attend on the day. Whatever the reason, a memorial day is all about remembering the person who has passed, and often it can be a cheerful experience where happy memories are shared and people come together in celebration of their life.

How, where, when and why a memorial is held may be different but one common theme is that flowers will often play a role. There is something comforting and soothing about flowers, so it makes sense that they are such a cornerstone of the grieving process in many cultures. But if you are hosting a memorial event, you may be wondering which flowers to choose, so we have listed a few tips for selecting the right floral arrangements for your event.

Honour the Person

A memorial is all about honouring and remembering the person who has died, and the choice of flowers should be included in this. That is why it is common to select memorial flowers that have meaning or significance to the person. For example, you may choose to adorn the venue with their favourite flowers or decorate tables with bouquets of flowers in the person’s favourite colour. You might even decide to have a florist design some artwork using flowers that represents the person. For example, the florists may recreate photos of a person using flowers or dioramas depicting the person’s favourite hobby in flowers. These are all highly personalised and creative ways to pay tribute to a person with flowers and are sure to be remembered.

Picking Traditional Designs

If the person who’s passed didn’t have an affinity for flowers, you may choose a more traditional array of flowers. Classics such as lilies and posies are a great option at a memorial as they represent a deep sense of respect and admiration for the deceased. If flowers aren’t going to be a central theme then sticking to the classics rather than going for something elaborate, often makes sense. If you are not sure which type of flowers will suit your needs, be sure to speak to a florist who deals with funeral flowers, and they will be happy to help.

It Doesn’t Have to Be Sad

As we have alluded to above, flowers at a memorial don’t have to represent sadness and loss. They can, and often should be a happy and uplifting tribute to the person. In fact, before they die, some people are extremely strict about ensuring that their memorials and funerals are to be happy occasions, and flowers are a great way to help make this happen. You can easily inject a sense of colour and love into an event with well-chosen flowers, so don’t be scared of colour at a memorial, especially if it is what the deceased would have wanted.

Pick a Variety

Flowers have a truly magical way of making us feel better, and often the more flowers available, the better people will feel. So it can make sense to have a wide variety on display. Not only do different blooms represent different things (e.g. love, respect, friendship), but the person who died may have loved lots of different flowers, so be sure to represent that love with a fitting selection that would have made them smile.

Adam Sholes
Adam Sholes

In his professional capacity as a seasoned florist, Adam excels at bringing happiness to flower enthusiasts. With his wealth of experience, he skillfully arranges appealing bouquets and lovely flower displays.
