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Frequently Asked Questions: Funeral Flowers

Posted on 24/04/2018

What is the etiquette for funeral flowers?

If you have not had to buy funeral flowers before, it is likely that you may have some questions about the process of sending flowers for a funeral. We fully understand that dealing with such things can cause a significant amount of stress if you are unsure of what needs to be done and how to do it, so below we walk you through some of the questions florists are most frequently asked when it comes to organising flowers for funerals.

1.    When do I need to order them?
The exact answer to this question will depend on the type of arrangement you would like, the flowers to be included and where you need the flowers delivered to. For example, a relatively simple bouquet of flowers can usually be ordered the day before, or even on the day of the funeral if you are going to be bringing them to the service yourself. However more complex arrangements, such as funeral wreaths and casket sprays can take longer, and the most complex designs such as a bespoke arrangement depicting a hobby could take several days to create. In general the recommended time frame is at least 48 hours before the funeral, but the more warning you can give your florist, the better.

2.    How much will they cost
In the UK estimates suggest the average cost to send funeral flowers is around £140. But again this can vary massively from around £20 for simple bouquets, to upwards of £500 for highly intricate and complex designs. It will be dependent on the type of flowers, the design, and the rates charged by your chosen flower shop. If price is a concern it may be worth exploring a few different options before making a choice.

3.    How do I get the flowers to the funeral
The last thing anybody wants to have to do is to carry a huge funeral wreath or casket spray with them to a funeral, but luckily you don't have to. The normal process is to inform your flower shop of when and where the funeral is to be held, and if possible share the name of the funeral directors. The flower shop can then liaise on your behalf to ensure the flowers will be delivered when and where they need to be, taking a huge amount of pressure off your shoulders.

4.    Where can I go to order funeral baskets and flowers?
Many high street flower shops will be able to design and create funeral arrangements for you, so it is always worth finding your local store, especially if you would like some advice on the right arrangement for you. In addition, a number of online flower services are also able to design and send flowers for funerals across the UK, so if you do not have time to visit a high street store, or would like to browse before making a choice, the online option may be the best route.

5.    Can I leave a note with my flowers?
The answer to this is absolutely yes. Leaving a note is actively encouraged when sending flowers for a funeral as not only does it give you the opportunity to express your love and respect for a dearly departed individual, but it is also a wonderful tribute that the close family can use to remind them how deeply loved that person was.

When sending flowers for a funeral service there are many potential questions you may have. The questions discussed above are only some of the most common that get asked, you may have many, many more. If that's the case, it is always best to speak to someone with experience in funeral flowers where possible to ensure you get the most factual answer possible. And please remember that the professionals you speak to will completely understand what you are going through, so never feel silly or embarrassed to ask questions as that's the best way to ensure you get the flowers that are the most fitting tribute to your loved one. Even if your question is related to something discussed above, but you want clarification, it is always better to ask, than to feel unsure and worried, especially when it's something as important as floral arrangements for funerals.

Adam Sholes
Adam Sholes

In his professional capacity as a seasoned florist, Adam excels at bringing happiness to flower enthusiasts. With his wealth of experience, he skillfully arranges appealing bouquets and lovely flower displays.
