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Roses in Funeral Arrangements

Posted on 03/01/2019

What flowers are used in funeral arrangements?

The presentation of flowers and arrangement of the flowers is essential, and it’s done for some various reasons. First and foremost the main purpose of funeral flowers is to express your mourning to the departed soul. It is always a challenging task to express words, so the best way is to present flowers to show your mourning feelings. Sending funeral flowers is a way to express sympathy, respect, and love visually. Thus, presentation and arrangement of flowers during the funeral is a way to show your support to the members of the deceased individual and also sharing the burden of the grief.

During funeral occasions, the flowers need to be arranged in a way that portrays the relationship you had with the person. Was the deceased a workmate, friend love or parent to your life? Therefore the kind of the arrangements the flowers will take will symbolize the relationship. If you don’t want to be worried about which arrangement to take for the deceased, follow the tips below so that you can make the right decision and send the perfect funeral flowers.

Rose flower

Traditionally, rose flowers are associated with the essence of having passion and romance to somebody who is either close to you or the one who has got a close relationship with you. Rose flowers are also suitable for funeral tributes. Roses are classified to various groups due to their different colours. Each colour of the rose entails a unique meaning that is accompanied with it.

Red Rose

When people are in the funeral setting, presentation of red roses portrays love and grief to the deceased. Red roses show how the deceased person was essential to you and how you loved him or her. Red roses are used in another kind of setting; it’s associated with beauty and perfection. Presentation of red roses to somebody is a physical way of saying “I love you.” If it’s a birthday, Valentine’s Day or any day you wish to send red roses to your beloved, it will be a clear sign of love, affection, and expression of your feelings.

Pink Rose

Pink rose is very bright and pretty to behold, but also pink roses are a great symbol when you have something important you have to say. Presentation of pink flowers is a classic symbol of elegance and grace. Usually, pink roses are regarded to be signifying appreciation and admiration. Presenting or offering this pink flower to your family member, lover, best friend or even your workmate you will establish a bright spot on someone’s day.

White Rose

White roses are very common in funeral occasions; they symbolize purity and innocence of someone. They are used in funeral wreaths sprays and baskets. Let’s say in case somebody has passed away who was a good friend of your, you may send white flowers to honour how the deceased had a genuine and pure heart. In other settings also, traditionally white rose flower is common in new beginnings and marriage events.

Yellow Rose

When it comes to a situation of sending a message to express joy and happiness to your close friend, the yellow rose flower is a perfect symbol to cater for that. Traditionally, yellow flowers were considered as a sign of friendship. With the way they shine in the sun, a bouquet of yellow flowers radiates excellently, thus acting as a way of saying “congratulations.”

Orange Rose

Orange roses are not standard in funeral settings, but they are common in an environment of expressing feelings of gratitude and desire to somebody. This is the excellent way of presenting the feeling of enthusiasm to somebody, who maybe having a birthday or celebrating certain things in life.

In a nutshell, flowers help to create a convenient atmosphere during the funeral. Sending funeral flowers provides beauty and warmth and brings about the dignity of the funeral service in particular. They create and leave an indelible and lasting impression on the grieving members. Lastly, they are symbolic not only showing the sympathy and love for the deceased but also they show immortality and eternity of the departed soul from the physical world to the more fabulous and pleasant place.

Adam Sholes
Adam Sholes

In his professional capacity as a seasoned florist, Adam excels at bringing happiness to flower enthusiasts. With his wealth of experience, he skillfully arranges appealing bouquets and lovely flower displays.
