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Sending the Right Funeral Flower Message

Posted on 11/09/2020

What To Write On A Funeral Card

When someone you know passes, there are going to be lots of thoughts in your head. Grief is going to take hold, and you may even become overcome with emotion. Knowing what to do at such a stage is going to be tough.

If the loved one or someone you know passes, it is, of course, going to be downright devastating. As a friend, an outsider looking in, you will be able to appreciate what they are going through. At the same time, you could feel helpless, like you want to do something to ease their pain, ease their grief, but you just don’t quite know-how. You can be there for them, make a loving gesture that will let them know that they are in your thoughts.

What can you send to the family who is grieving and have a funeral to arrange? How are you going to go about getting your heartfelt message across? There is one gift, one gesture that is perfect at such a time. Send funeral flowers and the family will certainly know that you care. But there are certain things that you should keep in mind when arranging for the funeral flower delivery. There is an etiquette you need to follow. Follow this etiquette, and you will be able to send the right funeral flowers with the right message.

Funeral flower arrangements have a great deal of symbolism attached to them. Some traditions and customs should be adhered to. Generally speaking, funeral flowers consist of simple arrangements and either one or two types of flowers. They are often neutral in colour, white or light pastel shades. Don’t send anything outlandish, too far from the norm, unless you know the funeral is going to have a theme, that those are the colours the deceased liked.

The right message has to be sent with the right flower arrangement. Unless you are family, don’t think about going for funeral wreaths and letter tributes. These flowers are often left to close members of the family to arrange. Stick to funeral sprays, tributes, posies and baskets. They are sure to be much appreciated.

Provided the flowers are beautiful, of course, the gesture alone of sending them to the family will convey the right message. But generally, when you send flowers, you send a little message on a card along with it. If writing this message is worrying you and you can’t quite come up with the right words, don’t stress. You don’t have to be a great wordsmith, and the family aren’t going to bring you up on anything. It is the gesture that counts.

Use a classic template for your message. There are plenty to choose from. Select your favourite, the one that rings the truest for you, and amend it slightly to fit in with what you wish to say. Remember, you still want to express your feelings and get your message across.

Of course, you don’t have to use a template to send the message. Think about it for a second, what you wish to get down on paper, what the individual meant to you. Write the message in your style. Perhaps even share a little something from your past. This will make it more personal for you and the grieving family. They are sure to cherish the flowers and the message that you took the time to think of and write. Even in time, when the flowers are long gone, if you write such a personal message, the card may not be.

When it comes to sending a funeral flower message, there is no right way. Make it personal, and it will be much appreciated.

Adam Sholes
Adam Sholes

In his professional capacity as a seasoned florist, Adam excels at bringing happiness to flower enthusiasts. With his wealth of experience, he skillfully arranges appealing bouquets and lovely flower displays.
